Contributed to open source
Presented at ApacheCon
Apache Wayang at ASF Apache at home 2021

We presented Apache Wayang at the '21 Apache @Home conference, and the talk was highly appreciated. Many thanks to the conference team - the organisation was awesome, everything worked and the audience was brilliant.

In the case you couldn't make it to join remotely, here's the talk:

What is Apache Wayang?
Apache Wayang is a system designed to fully support cross-platform data processing: It enables users to run data analytics over multiple data processing platforms. For this, it provides an abstraction on top of existing platforms in order to run data analytic tasks on top of any set of platforms. As a result, users can focus on the logics of their applications rather on the intricacies of the underlying platforms.

Much better, the core team is also the leading team at Scalytics ;)