Aarushi Nair
  • @aarushinair
Hello! I am a computer science engineer, passionate about quantum computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning, information security and learning new programming languages. I am also passionate about teaching and the inclusion of women and minorities in computing.

I also have a keen interest in opportunities in a field that allows me to explore different aspects of emerging and research-oriented computer science.

I want to gain valuable knowledge and skills to complement those that I have acquired from school/university in an actual/real-life environment.

#java #python #AI #ML #computerScience #CSE #softwareEngineering #programming #quantumComputing #reverseEngineering #informationSecurity #encryption #cyberSecurity #blockchain #hacking #infoSec #AppSec #mobileSecurity #artificialintelligence #machineLearning #deepLearning #DL #R #C++ #DatabaseProgramming #GirlWhoCode #WomenInTechnology #WomeninIT
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Aug 2018 - Present

Computer Science Engineering Student, GD Goenka University - School of Engineering

Mar 2020 - Present

Event Organiser, GD Goenka University - School of Engineering

Aug 2020 - Present

Student Council Member, GD Goenka University - School of Engineering

Sep 2018 - Present

Student Editor, GD Goenka University - School of Engineering