
✨ Updated Confetti Genie plugin for Figma. 🪄 Now users can select shapes to generate Confetti elements as they like https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1044658409805883306/Confetti-Genie
🚀 After huge appreciation on Figma, now launching the Indian User Data Tools plugin on AdobeXD https://adobe.com/go/cc_plugins_discover_plugin?pluginId=febbbafa&workflow=share
✨ Updated Indian User Data Tools Figma plugin 👷‍♂️ Now we can select domains to generate specific user professions 🪄 Update to plugin UI https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1046328883372627755/I...
Attempting to learn developing Figma plugin. 🤩 I have been working in Figma for my UX design projects for quite some time. It would be awesome if I can delve into the insides of it and understand h...
Adding recently built Figma plugin as the first project on Github for others to use and build more cool stuff. All coding projects would come on this profile ✨ https://github.com/abhijitchirde
✨ Updated Confetti Genie Figma plugin. 🎨 Users can now add multiple colors of their choice for generating confetti elements or use the randomized color generator to use with one click. https://www....
Joined Atal Innovation Mission as a Mentor for the local school. As a part of this initiative, I mentored school children on design thinking and problem solving
✨ Updating Indian User Data Tools plugin 🪙 Include generation of ETH, BTC wallet addresses, and random ENS domains for Indian user names. 🪄 Updating plugin UI for a better experience with sectionin...
🚀 Confetti Genie plugin crossed 500 installs on Figma Community. ✨ Adding a new improvement update to the plugin https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1044658409805883306/Confetti-Genie
Graduated with Master's in Design ✨
Started college for Master's in Design at IIITDM Jabalpur
First certification of 'Interaction Design Professional' from Cognizant Academy
Started journey in engineering
Graduated with Bachelor's in Electronics Engineering from Pune University