Wrote an article
Girl Dad
You’re the worst dad in the world!

Said my 9 year old daughter when I said I couldn’t play with her. “Yeah dad, you are the worst dad in the world”, echoed my 4 year old son. And both of them stood grumpy-faced near my dining-table-turned-office. 

“And what would it take for me to become the best dad in the world”, I asked. 
“Play with us right now”, pat came the reply. 
“But daddy got office right now, sweetie”, I tried to reason. 
“Oh, so you want to become the best office person but you don’t want to be the best dad”, she retorted. 
“But not more than 15 minutes” I said.

After 10 minutes into playtime, they said I can go back to the work and conferred the title of best dad of the world on me. 

It got me thinking. For my kids, home is their space. I have been working-from-home over past few months and boundaries have blurred between where the work ended and where the home began. I can only imagine how difficult it is for our families to adjust to our new WFH routine.

I promised my kids to be a best dad. And I am still working on achieving this ever-eluding fine balance. Hoping and wishing that all of you find that balance. Happy Father’s Day!!