Andrew Ackerman
  • @ackers93
Hi I'm Andrew, I'm a full-stack web developer with a particular interest in front-end development. My specialties include Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React, Node and Express.

In my professional career I've been able to wear many hats, but my favorite so far has been building out features to make software user's lives easier, whether it be streamlining the user process, or workshopping a user-interface to enhance their experience.

I've spent most of my professional life working in construction, which I believe has helped me create a strong work ethic and ability to work with a wide range of tasks. I also used to be in charge of training apprentices which helped create a passion for passing my skills on to others.
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Contact Me


Oct 2021 - Present

Software Engineer, Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions

May 2021 - Aug 2021

Software Engineer, Airship, LLC