Hello There 👋

🙋‍♀️ I'm Ayu, a software developer & technical blogger based in The Netherlands.

🌱 I've been learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, and NodeJS.
Currently, I'm learning React while brushing up vanilla Javascript ES6/7.

👥 Along my journey, I build a strong interest in communities, open-source, and accessibility.

🙏 I'm grateful to be part of these supporting communities:

- Virtual CoffeeDocumentation Team Lead, VC Advisor 

- The Collab LabCode of Conduct Mentor

- CodeNewbieModerator (Trusted User)


- Hashnode

👓 When I'm not coding, you can find me with my DSLR camera, cuddling or chasing my daughter, or sipping my iced macchiato latte 😊
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