Aug 2019 - Present
Adora Nwodo
- @adoranwodo
- Software Engineer & Author
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Solutions for the AdoraHack Study Group Hackerrank Data Structures & Algorithms Challenge ✨ The repo contains the implementation of the questions with the following languages: ✅ C++ ✅ Java ✅ Python...
Announcing my first live class 🎉 On Friday this week, I'd be hosting a class on Lighthall and it's going to be on Infrastructure Engineering ✨ Please register and share 💕 ⬇️ https://www.lighthall.c...
On May 8th, I'm starting a blockchain bootcamp with 🎉 Excited to be a student at Cohort 3. Looking forward to meeting everyone and adding Blockchain Engineer to the list of things I do...
🚨 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! 📢 I’m so excited to share that I’m teaching a course on: ✨ Infrastructure Automation with Azure and Github ✨ Let's do some Infrastructure Engineering together ⬇️ https://adorah...