Abdullah Furkan Özbek
  • @afozbek
Hello. My name is Furkan and I am a software engineer and frontend developer, whose main purpose is to create best optimal experience for user but also keeping the application or project as performant as possible.

I am deeply interested on web technologies and I am currently building new projects in this subject. I am currently started to create article and instagram (tech) content for beginners. Try to share my journey on dev.to and hashnode.

Things I like to do;
✔ Trying to solve other people's struggles
✔ Teaching or telling some subject he know to friends or colleagues
✔ Building different kinds of projects
✔ Meeting & talking with new people
✔ Listening podcasts
✔ Playing Chess
✔ Watching drama | sci-fi movies
✔ Listening music while I travelling or trying to fix problems
✔ Researching next generation technologies like cyptocurrency, IoT, smart devices

Here is how you can react me;

🔼 Blog: https://blog.furkanozbek.com/
🔼 GitHub: https://github.com/afozbek
🔼 Mail: abdullah.furkan.ozbek@gmail.com
🔼 Twitter: https://twitter.com/afozbek_
🔼 Instagram: https://instagram.com/furkan.codes/
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