Finished module

I increased my knowledge with LPI-DevOps and be proud to be a Linux Professional Institute DevOps Tools Engineer.
I have finished my first step as Linux administrator and passed the LPIC-1 from Linux Professional Institute.
With my work in the software development I also need to know how processes works and how to find good solutions. Therefore, I decided to have a deeper look into the IT Project Management with EuroF...
Microsoft is offering some free exams. I have been working intensive with Azure DevOps and practice for the AZ-900 exam. I am proud to say I am a certified Azure Fundamentals.
Proudly received the Quality Assurance Management Professional (QAMP) from iSQI.
After the knowledge as Scrum Master I practice more to become a Product Owner with With this level I realized much better the important of structuring and leading an agile project. Proud...
I have studied a lot and passed the tuff exam on Proud to be a PSM1.
Month of learning, practicing and figuring out - the CEH is done. I had a lot of fun and realized a lot of new things who shocked me. The world is dangerous but I know a little bit of this danger. ...
I have renewed my previous knowledge as PenTester with eLearnSecurity to prepare for the CEH. This eJPT was a practical challenge with a lot of fun. I have also learned a lot with tryHackMe to be r...
Becoming a certified Python makes me proud. I passed the PCAP-31-03 challenge with a good preparation of the free Cisco courses and a lot of practice.
I was joining a IREB FL course and after a longer self study I passed the exam. Proud to be a Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering.
Passed the new challenges to became a professional performance tester with the ISTQB Performance Teating certificate.
Passed the ISTQB Foundation Level with German Testing Board (GTB) and increased my understanding as test engineer!