Ajay Sharma
  • @ajaykumarsharma
I am currently pursuing my Bachelor degree in computer science at Poornima college of Engineering. 
I am also a freelance web User Interface(UI) and User Experience(UX) designer. 
Now with the ambition to become a full time web UI/UX designer I am on my way to reach goal in just few years. 
I have done web development (HTML, CSS and Javascript) also in order to actually made my designs practical in real world. 
Now I am learning blender 3D in order to enhance the quality of my work in web design.
Founded bookstend my blog(2020) to share with everyone what I have learned through reading books. And actively managing the blog by myself only.
On the way to make a actual blog I learned the things which comes under category of digital marketing like Search engine optimization(SEO) and content writing to do better.
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