Shipped a side project
Launched an iOS app
Published to the App Store
Developing an iOS app

OctoNote Released

In the fall of 2018, after a surge of inspiration from WWDC 2018, I released OctoNote, an iOS productivity app.

Write Quickly and Beautifully

OctoNote is a markdown-based note taking app. Markdown, the flexible content authoring language, is an awesome way to write notes efficiently, and enable them to be used anywhere and rendered beautifully.

Instead of tapping through menus and learning yet another app’s way of editing text, OctoNote strips away the distraction and allows the markdown to shine. If you want special formatting, apply it with markdown. OctoNote even provides some simple shortcut keys for the standard markdown formatting symbols to keep you from digging around in the stock keyboard for what you need.

GitHub Powered

OctoNote uses GitHub to save your markdown notes as GitHub Gists - an easy way to store snippets of text or code for sharing.

To use OctoNote, you need to have a GitHub account. To register for a free GitHub account, go to

Share Everywhere

By hosting notes on GitHub as Gists, you’re able to share the link to your Gists with anyone you choose using GitHub.

You will also be able to use GitHub Gists in the browser to view, edit, and share your OctoNotes when on desktop. GitHub has robust support for markdown editing in the browser, giving you a great way to manage notes across all your devices when not using OctoNote on your iPhone or iPad.

Secure Notes

Because OctoNote uses GitHub to store your Gists, you have the same level of security for your notes as GitHub provides all your Gists.

Developer Focused

Gists have robust support for code snippets and syntax highlighting. OctoNote fully supports writing and rendering snippets of code, meaning you can easily browse code-based gists using OctoNote.

OctoNote Premium

OctoNote has a generous free tier, which is likely all you’ll ever need for casual note taking. But, if you want to use OctoNote to author or edit secret OctoNotes (notes not available through GitHub searches or search engines), you can upgrade to OctoNote Premium.

Premium also includes the ability to customize your editor theme by choosing from one of eleven different color themes!

Premium will offer support for creating or editing unlimited secret OctoNotes in addition to the free tier support for public OctoNotes.

More to come! OctoNote will continuously bring features to subscribers to Premium. Some examples of things in the works:

  • Additional editor themes
  • Enhanced markdown editor features in the ribbon
  • Customizable app icons
  • Suggestions from you!