Released the official lyrics to a song
Featured as a writer
Built something new
This a beautiful song I wrote on the occasion of Daughter's day. Papa Waali champi for my client HiVoco.

Papa wali champi celebrates the special bond between a daughter & her father. Daughter struggles with many unseen problems as she grows up. There are invisible barriers that she must encounter everyday – gender stereotypes, glass ceiling at work, pressure to ‘fit into a mould’ among many others. This leads to many questions in a girl’s head – questions of self-confidence, self-worth, the extent to which her dreams can fructify, etc.

‘Papa Wali Champi’ is a melodious interaction between a father and daughter through different stages of her growing up years.  The song, Papa Wali Champi is the starting point of Champi Stories on HiVoco. It’s a story series where we answer some pertinent problems that the young daughter is facing.