Akash Deep M
  • @akashdeep324
👋🏻 Hi there!
I'm Akash Deep, a product designer with a desire to solve complex problems by finding the right balance between creative visual and logical design solutions. I believe a diverse team of cross-functional disciplines, who understand each other can solve people's problems of today. 

🧳 My journey started with me working as a software developer for a couple of years before transitioning into a visual designer and, finally combining both to evolve into a UX designer. I’ve helped design successful mobile, web, and Saas products for some of the most successful tech start-ups.

🖋️ My UX philosophy and mission 
💡 strive to simplify & design enjoyable user experiences 
🔍 Empathizing with users & focused research 
🏆 that leads to confident decisions
✨ which inspire impactful+delightful design
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