My product internship at OneCare was the fastest & super growing 7 months for me.

It has helped me to discover a part of myself, both personal and professional. Thanks to the team for believing in me & the nonstop support from you guys.

If I have to express my learnings in a single line then, "Issues with what you are building will arise daily, and believe me - the solution is there, just need to be found - try to zoom in and zoom out around the issue"
Thank you Dr. Rakesh Shivran, Sagar Bhat, & Bhasker Sharma for putting faith since day 1, and opportunities to explore different verticals has helped me learn a lot about building a product overall.

I found a great team to work with and learn from.
Thank you Deepa Kamath, Apoorva Sahu, Sakshi Agarwal, Asmit Raj, Gunavina Mehta, satyam kumar, Chetan CI, Dipanshu Bisht, and many more!!

Apoorva Sahu, Sakshi Agarwal, & Asmit Raj - Thank you for all the product & idea discussions we had & definitely will have regularly.

OneCare - Onwards & Upwards 🚀