
If you want to #learn #python I suggest having a look at Harvard's CS50P course https://cs50.harvard.edu/python/2022/ I'm not sure how useful it is, but I did create my own set of notes for CS50P. ...
I've moved my social posting to Mastodon. https://mstdn.social/@alecthegeek
Pronovix were kind enough to have me speak at #APItheDocs conf https://pronovix.com/event/api-docs-virtual-2022/alec-clews
New blog post -- using `-trimpath` on Go build
I'm in Ireland on what should be a great holiday to see family and friends across the British Isles. Unfortunately I'm stuck in my hotel room with COVID -- but I am very lucky because the symptoms ...
So for all the administrators out there managing PaperCut MF or PaperCut NG servers. I'm writing some blog posts to help you plan version upgrades. The 1st one is up on the PaperCut Software blog s...
I wrote a short blog post for PaperCut Software about some of the things I do when creating API content for international communities. https://www.papercut.com/blog/papercut-cloud-native-api-access...
apidays gave me a nice speaker card for my talk later this week More info I'll be talking about making your API documentation accessible to diverse audiences.
There is no direct support in Notion for Freeplane mind maps. I came up with (slightly clunky) workaround so you can embed the map mm file alongside the exported image. It should work for any third...
I did a livestream about the new Notion API https://youtu.be/okH9iyqxzAw
I presented a very short workshop to introduce novices to the Docker and containerization. You can find the workbook and related material here and here is the video. I've presented it a few times s...
Earlier this week I published some notes and example scripts on using "Docker From Docker" This is often a handy alternative to Docker In Docker. It also shows how to install and use Docker Compose...
I gave a talk to introduce Git to PowerShell users. https://youtu.be/L2Qe-5MjTX8 Here are the notes https://papercutsoftware.github.io/git-from-powershell/
Just finished presenting at #gitlabcommit. 1st time I pre-recorded a conference talk. It was really challenging at the time, but I was very pleased with the result. https://youtu.be/CfkmPAGDl5Q