
Now Streaming on Twitch! After some time spent thinking and planning, I had my first of many Twitch livestreams. My channel has one overarching goal that influences everything I do and say. The tec...
Mentoring a new developer Since March 2022, I have been actively mentoring a new developer who is trying to break into the world of web development. She has started with the #100Devs curriculum, an...
I earned the IBM Enterprise Design Thinking - Team Essentials for AI badge IBM describes the badge criteria as follows: This badge earner has demonstrated proficiency in using Enterprise Design Thi...
I earned the IBM Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner badge. IBM explains the standards as follows: Enterprise Design Thinking is IBM's approach to applying design thinking at the speed & scale ...
I earned the Shopify Theme Development certification
I earned the Shopify Business Fundamentals and Product Fundamentals certifications
Earned three Webflow certifications: • Webflow Layouts Level 1 • Webflow Layouts Level 2 • Webflow CMS Level 1
An old friend wanted to get out of the tech job that he was previously in and move into the world of web development. He had experience writing code at his previous job, but didn't have much direct...
I mentored 5 groups of college students competing in the CUhackit hackathon through Clemson University during their time at the event. I also ran a session on the basics of Vue.js called "Building ...
I created and ran Fivable's Apprenticeship Program, a 10-12 week paid apprenticeship opportunity for entry-level developers to work side-by-side with a mentor developer at the company during their ...
Graduated with a B.S. Computer Science degree from Clemson University