Feb 2021 - Present
Alex Trost
- @alextrost
- Streaming and Community Building
- Connecticut, USA
- he/him
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Organized and hosted a fundraiser stream with twelve fantastic guests! Each guest showed us something wonderful around the world of web development, and we raised $10,000 in the process! The guests...
I was a guest on James Perkins's show, Developer Hangout. We chatted about: - Grifters - Marriage - Frontend horse - Before coding - TikTok It was a great, casual stream and a good chance to chat a...
Every Wednesday I have creative frontend developers come on my stream and build a fun and fantastic component with us. We learn techniques around things like GSAP, Three.js, CSS, animation, and lot...
Appeared as a guest on the Some Antics Dev Twitch show. On the show, we looked at the Prismic SliceMachine workflow and how we can ship a page builder on the Jamstack with Prismic slices. https://w...