100daysofcode Day 28

I have been working on Authentication and security for three days now; this was to be the last day of it before I move to React.js. I developed a means to get users to register on the app, then to authenticate their details and secure it, first, it was with md5, then hashing and salting, and then how to authenticate locally using passport.js and then google-passport2.0. The user info was working on my terminal's console but wasn't updating in my database. This bug in my work had kept me busy on my desk throughout the day and I couldn't rest throughout the daytime, it kept me awake too at night. What did I later find tonight trying to fix the bugs, three bugs kept my work from progressing.

Firstly, I had named one of my Schema as a string instead of an array of type string.
 Secondly, I hadn't commented out the previous serialization I used locally in passport.js.
 Lastly, there was an extra curly brace from my function name.

I encountered these bugs around 14:44 and I resolved them around 23:05. I'm so glad I could solve the issues independently