Worked with React
React forms
#100daysofcode Day 39

After taking my previous React course on Udemy, in the Q & A section, one of the students suggested that we enroll to a youTube link she had sent to complement what we had learned.
Now, the former tutor did a great job but there were topics she omitted such as Class components, Component lifeCycle methods, CSS modules, Routing, other states like UseEffect, etc. Going through this new course is a very necessary one and I even had to start all over again and continuously compare the two methods of teaching which look quite similar.
To be honest, the consistent use of "this" all over again in class components can be tiring and confusing and I really wonder if there are some firms that will set tests based on class components?
Today, I worked with passing methods as props, React styling, and basics of form handling. Tomorrow we continue with the component life cycles(Mount, Update, Unmount, Error handling)
