
Learn how to set FastAPI with an async mini ORM and database migrations https://amal.sh/blog/fastapi-ormar-alembic
Published a new project: pytoml pytoml is a python playground that lets you write, run and share python code.
New blog post, Pydantic for FastAPI. Key points: 2. BaseSettings for reading environment variables 4. Validators for custom data validation 6. schema_extra for providing examples in docs
I built an API to generate fake data using JSON payload. Link: Fake API
New article: Web Authentication Methods Compared. This article explains various authentication methods that can be implemented on a web application. It also looks at the benefits and drawbacks of e...
New article: Session-based Auth with Flask for Single Page Apps This article demonstrates how to perform session-based authentication for SPAs(React, Vue, Svelte, etc.). Highlights of the article: ...
New article: CSRF Protection in Flask CSRF, which stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, is an attack against a web application in which the attacker attempts to trick an authenticated user into pe...
New article: Using Hypothesis and Schemathesis to Test FastAPI Property-based tests are based on the properties of a given function or a program. For example, if a function takes an argument of typ...
New article: Parallelism, Concurrency, and AsyncIO in Python - by example This article looks at how to speed up CPU-bound and IO-bound operations in Python with multiprocessing, threading, and Asyn...
New article: Moving from Flask to FastAPI FastAPI is the new kid in the python web frameworks neighborhood. Despite being new, FastAPI has beaten almost all other python frameworks in terms of perf...
New article: Serving a Machine Learning Model with FastAPI and Streamlit The article serves a neural style transfer model using the FastAPI framework and Streamlit for the UI. The article also demo...