Released a new version
Built a feature
Cypress Testing
automated testing
End-to-end Testing
Yesterday we released a new version of WP Cypress. We're now shipping 0.9.1 and are continuing to work towards our v1.0.0 goal. I have recently taken over lead on this project and also managed to get various features of my own into the first release since taking over, which has been exciting.

You can find it on NPM and GitHub.

New in v0.9 release;
  • Improved user switching, now allowing for specific users to be used rather than limiting to `admin`.
  • Clean routines for seeders, so refreshed, or new data can be used at various testing points.
  • Improved start up to provide more meaningful feedback when docker is unavailable.
  • Configurable DB ports and PHP versions.
What is WP Cypress?
WP Cypress extends the Cypress end to end testing framework with the aim to address various pain points that engineers and QA can encounter while testing features built for modern WordPress.