Building an app
Started a new company

What's new at Orius? The journey of building a company continues  

Orius is today celebrating its 4th month of official existence 🥳 . Born as ai mate, we thought the name 'Orius' fits better to this baby. But you are wondering who or what is Orius, right? 

Orius is a safe place where to talk, learn & invest. People looking for transparency of their order book, tutorials that help them, and a secured platform where to talk (aka without bots), might love Orius. 

Our old, scary, weird logo doesn't exist anymore either. Orius has a new face, much more modern, a bit robotic, mysterious and sexy imagined by Ben Fryc 😁

Our main challenge right now is designing a product with a good market fit. I never thought users' research could make me happy one day, but it did! Our target responded positively to our ideas, gave us even better ideas, and a few of them naturally volunteered to be early users. 

I can't wait to show you the results. But I got to be patient baby Orius is still learning to walk 😂