Jan 1997 - Present
Anatoly IVANOV
- @anatolyivanov
Mar 2001 - May 2001
Web designer, Razorfish
Oct 1999 - Nov 1999
Photo editor, Gamma-Rapho
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I started programming with Pascal when I was 9, still in the USSR. Little did I know then how much groundwork that would form… Through the years, I’ve gravitated towards JavaScript 🖤, PHP, Perl (ug...
Switched to barefoot running OK, not quite, but almost. Built myself huaraches out of 3 mm Vibram Cherry rubber. Oh, and distance? I need at least a 5K and prefer ultras… when I get the time for th...
Still learning JavaScript to this day… it’s been steadily improving. I use it in everything from AfterEffects rotoscoping to Node.js apps.
Adobe InDesign Part of Adobe’s beta program… in the times when Quark reigned supreme… cough… sucked. Written in C++, that wasn’t fun to debug, but IMO, it remains one of Adobe best products.