Organized an event
Moderated a panel
Advocated for Women Empowerment
Advocated for Equal Rights
As an advocate for #HeForShe and an ally, I volunteer my time for the Women@HubSpot ERG at work. In light of #IWD2021, I #choosetochallenge myself to be more aware and empathize on the struggles women still face in workplaces, and to call out any gender biases sentiments. I hope to encourage more men to step forward to play a part in making gender equality a reality!

We hosted an amazing panel discussion on “Uplifting Women Leaders in the Tech Industry” with Emma Lo Russo, Sakiko Yoshida, Susan P. Chen, Ph.D., and Kevin Ackhurst (he/him) moderated by our very own Kat Warboys

Some key takeaways:
- We should think and question the terms we currently use and try to make them more inclusive. E.g. "Allyship" is in a war term and might have the notion of "Me vs You". The intention shouldn't be about bringing someone on our side but how to create change together.
- We can't empower women unless we empower everyone.
- Don't be a bystander. Take actions and create change.
- Educate our young ones early. Expose them to gender equality topics in small ways, eg. the toys they play with and the books (narratives) they read.

Kudos to my amazing team Chiara Gaviraghi, Akiko Hirose & Deneisha Franklin (she/her) for putting this together!

#womenatwork #linkedinnewsasia #diversityandinclusion