Andrea Rubik
  • @andrearubik
  • Marketing @ yeekatee ⎮ Founder @ Resyfy
  • 🇨🇭

Hi all! 👋 I'm Andrea! I'm a marketing executive at yeekatee, a growth scientist, and the founder of Resyfy.

I've crafted proven methodologies to establish products as successful brands that disrupt industries and change consumer habits. Moreover, I'm a full-stack marketer who obsesses over customers and solves problems while bringing new products into the world.

Awarded as Highly Commended Independent Consultant at Global Women in Marketing Award 2019, 2020.

Currently, I work with SaaS and tech companies on growth marketing at the intersection of product, Marcom, content, and data, which involves brand and digital marketing, demand generation, customer acquisition, and monetization.

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