I am a positioning strategist, helping SAAS founders nail positioning and build product-market fit. Why positioning?
Because as an entrepreneur and a consulter, one of the biggest mistakes I see founders make is trying to scale before building their product-market fit.
We hear all sorts of buzzwords, such as growth hacking, product-led, community led. But more often then not, to achieve sustainable growth, you should ignore them completely.
Don't get me wrong, they are all superb models to scale, but as with anything in life, these models need to be built.
To build up to them, you need firm foundations. You need to achieve problem-solution fit, position yourself on the market, pick your winning strategy.
I learned this the hard way. In my 20s, even at my last startup, we tried to growth hack our way into our customers’ minds. It didn’t work. You can’t scale the unscalable. Multiply a million with a zero, you still get a 0.
That’s why I made it my mission to help founders & marketers who are stuck and have reached an invisible barrier that they can’t break down, limiting the company’s growth. Stuck at different stages. Stuck at $10k a month, stuck at $50k a month, stuck at $1M a month, but stuck nonetheless.
The issue is that product-market fit comprises two parts.
Product - Our product that we are all quick to improve, iterate, and add features.
Market-fit = Positioning, and we usually think about positioning when we start out and then forget all about it.
But the winning formula is to iterating both simultaneously. You should be improving your positioning, just like you are improving your product. You should have a roadmap for your positioning, just like you have your development roadmap for your product.
And once we understood that at my last startup, we lowered the cost of user acquisition by 52% and doubled our customer base without raising our marketing budget by a single cent.
Because improving your positioning leads to strong product-market fit. And strong product-market fit leads to lower cost of user acquisition (more customers), higher conversion rates (even more customers) without overspending in marketing (more profits).
Why does that matter now more than ever? Because we are heading into a recession, where positioning will have an even bigger impact than before.
➡️ I can help you improve positioning, build product-market fit, through my 3-part positioning framework.