I believe in #lifelonglearning and that the right #mindset is more important than what you did before.

For over 3 years I'm connecting #career changers with IT-Companies.
But not just support career changers with topics around their application and interviews, but also consult companies regarding important aspects about what is important to benefit from the potential of career changers.

Still many companies make the mistake to equate career changers, which numbers rapidly grew the last years through e.g. bootcamps, with university graduates.

They let them run through the same application process and train them in the same way, without thinking about their former experience and kind of education.

As a result they not just miss great potential employees, but they don't use their full potential too.

But fact is, there are plenty of examples where career changers have shown, that they can develop their skills at the same level as people with a classic education and beside that increase the #diversity and #creativity of the teams.

So when you also want to benefit from career changers, who are a valuable additional source at the it-market, but don't want to do the mistakes, that i wrote about, just send me a #message and we will talk !

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