Launched a podcast
Recorded a podcast


ahhhhhhhhhhh how has this happened??? approximately 1000 more people than I thought would listen!

I do have one teensy thing to ask from you though, person who is reading this! If you have any ideas for ridiculous business ideas to make your life more fun please please please get in touch! We love hearing people's ideas, and will always (well, within reason..) read out an email on the show! We don't need the business idea to be "sensible" - just fun! Find us here!

Our show, Brains on the Outside, celebrates creativity and the ridiculous ideas for businesses you wish were real - what if you could get food pumped into your house through tubes? what if you could get a train ticket that let you drive the train? what if there was a social media website for dogs? You get the idea - things that are wonderful, wholesome, and exciting! Things that would make our lives extraordinary!