
Passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 today. Super stoked about 2022
Day 9: Shipped a solo project https://f66abfc8.mytraveljournal.pages.dev/
Day 8: Finishing up CSS for a project. I will host it on Github or Cloudflare once I get it right.
Day 7: CSS strugglebus. Not a fan of this Cascading Style Sheets business.
Day 6: spreading in React props https://twitter.com/andygoldstein00/status/1479792892151570434
Day 5: React Conditional Rendering https://twitter.com/andygoldstein00/status/1479415002914344960 1. checks for values in React props and sets the badgeText 2. if badgeText is truthy, renders the b...
Actually on Day 4, but who's counting? I am doing Javascript, React from Scrimba.com . https://twitter.com/andygoldstein00/status/1479050580710596608
I finished the Scrimba Javascript course. It wasn't as hard as I feared. Looking forward to using it as a Web Developer Learn JavaScript for free - 7-hour interactive tutorial (scrimba.com)
Finished the Buildspace Web3 course and earned first NFT https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x3cd266509d127d0eac42f4474f57d0526804b44e/5546/
I made my first Smart Contract, thank you @_buildspace: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xE96CBCC96f15F9E63190dDA8caB23B66726A180c
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/prometheus-and-grafana-part-2-47bg Prometheus and Grafana, Part 2
Boto3 and AWS and Python! https://dev.to/muckitymuck/boto3-connecting-your-aws-with-python-ec2-edition-na4
Learned a new process in Github Actions to Build and Test in Github environment, pass the build to a new job, and deploy it in your own environment. https://dev.to/muckitymuck/github-actions-buildt...
Found out how to move secret env files in Github Actions. https://dev.to/muckitymuck/github-actions-env-file-creation-docker-silliness-504k
Setting up an admin vm to control my Web server. Might add other Devops tools for practice. Not for the first time. Check my blog for my first run through
Prometheus additional notes https://dev.to/muckitymuck/prometheus-additional-configs-1am4
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/prometheus-and-grafana-4k1a Prometheus and Grafana, Part 1. Prometheus and its exporters as services.
Working on a demo system for Prometheus+Grafana Monitoring service for AWS EC2 instances.
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/oracle-cloud-and-terraform-g5k Learned some more about Terraforma and Oracle Cloud!
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/terraform-cheat-sheet-11b5 Learned some Terraform!
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/github-jenkins-pipeline-2jh5 Jenkins and the Github pipeline!
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/aws-vpn-client-endpoints-1b0m Wrote a blog post on setting up Client AWS VPN Endpoint including the key and certificate process.
https://dev.to/muckitymuck/pm2-node-nextjs-express-51p8 Learned some Node, PM2, and ExpressJS