Backend Development

What would be the internet without cyber security? To secure my application and to give the possibility to sign-up and log-in, I'm studying this week Spring Security and the fundamentals of cyber s...
From now on I am working 100% full stack and have built a quiz app. This has a Spring Boot backend with Rest:API interface and a React.js frontend. In doing so, I tried to consistently follow throu...
To end up this intensiv backend training, I designed the backend for a existing frontend react todo App. To do so, I analyzed the frontend HTTP Requests, created the Backend response and deployed t...
What would be the web without API's? Today I collected Data from the public Covid API and created a backend API comparing the French an German CovidCases by Day.
After some basics and the design of a student controlling system, I experimented today with dependency injection and added integration tests. 100% Test coverage in coming
After two weeks of intensiv training in Java Development, I started to design backend systems using the Spring Framework.
Part of being a good programmer is theory and understanding how algorithms and data structures work under the hood. Of course, everyone can use them. After a long time of figuring things out, I reb...
To go into more depth this week, as a Friday project I designed and implemented an online store backend system in Java. Polymorphism, abstraction, inheritance - everything that belongs to object or...
Today I studied the important paradigms of object-oriented programming. - Polymorphism - Abstraction - Inheritance
This week is all about object oriented programming (OOP) in Java. Today we covered: • classes • objects • packages • methodes • access modifier (public/privat etc) • overriding methods https://gith...
I finished the day using the CI system via maven in Github. Now it's time for testing.
Today I wrote my first automated unit tests in Java and discovered Test Driven Development. What a logic and efficient way of coding
Started as Java Fullstack Developer Trainee at neue Fische Gmbh - school and pool for digital Talents.
What you should know about functional Programming in Js - today I published my first Medium Post.
After a lively discussion about the upcoming election in Germany and missing political goals and contents, I decided yesterday and today to develop a web application that randomly presents pieces o...
Finished the freecodecamp Certification: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Today is all about control flow using TDD in Java. Analyzing a problem Write test Write method Test Merge