Designed a book
Book Layout
print on demand
Did a proofreading

What happened lately? 

Here are news! MFZ!

One of my projects in August was to design a book called MFZ. That's a wargame using Lego bricks as characters and scenery. 

Context of this project 

This is a layout work done for La Caravelle/500NDG, a French associative publishing house using Tipeee to make game content available in French (book translations, layout work, content creation, original illustrations, etc.). This book is still private, members-only, so I'll show some pictures but can't share the file.

What's this game?

This is the French translation of Mobile Frame Zero, writen by Joshua AC Newman and Vincent D Baker, translated and proofreaded by Maitre Sinh, Sunwalker and Quentin Forestier. This French version got original content (Lego builds) by Cole Blaq. Before and while doing layout for this book, I did a proofreading and also added some content based on stuff shared on the English file and forums which didn't appear in the translated text.

Below are pictures of the test prints I had done by Lulu, a POD (print on demand) service.

What's the concept behind this layout?

  • The game is about mechas that fight, made of bricks, that are assembled, disassembled, destroyed, lose parts. 
  • And original content (Lego builds) were made in black, grey and orange bricks. 
Without going into details and the path of reflection: my layout reflects this by using both text and images as bricks. The grid is in this project capital.

I also wanted to have didactic elements, to look at during the game for specific rule points; that's why I modified and created diagrams. In my opinion, diagrams and useful pictures are truly important in TTRPGs (tabletop roleplaying games) but most of the games are composed only of full pages of text accompanied by beautiful but not didactic illustrations (not useful except for inspiration, not for understanding the rules). I'm trying to do "better", aka "useful" as a rulebook should be! :)