Contact Me

Hello! I'm an aspiring Design Consultant and I'm really looking for a consistent mentor to provide design experience! And truthfully, I love meeting people and listening/ learning so it would inevitably be a really fun time while most importantly being a mutually beneficial learning experience! Mentorship would really supplement my studies and help me narrow down my career path. Currently I'm a legal secretary full-time and do UX web research for the Admissions & Records department at Santa Monica College. Most of my work experience is legal, but.. it gets a little boring! I'm spicing things up and shifting into the world of UX/ UI, I like being in a heavily communicative and research-based/ organizational role. My best is shown when I work with people, especially collaborating with those who are very opposite from me! On top of that I have a lot of personality and spunk! I love being in supporting and assisting roles and am very confident in my decision making.

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