Hosted and published a podcast episode
Published a new podcast episode
My latest guest on Out of the Clouds, the podcast, is known as the ‘impresario of vintage couture’ and owner of Decades Inc., Cameron Silver.

Cameron and I were introduced to each other while he was pursuing a pair of neon pink flat lace-ups (I think this was 2006) and our wonderful common friend, Melissa, made the connection. Months later I was visiting Mel in LA when Cameron invited me to a whirlwind evening around Melrose and Beverly Hills. I’ve been a fan of his ever since!

In this interview, I have the privilege of asking Cameron about his beginnings in retail and his early career as an actor and singer, meanwhile he regales me with stories starting with his Annie Hall look (age 10). An eloquent guest, Cameron is more than comfortable in front of a camera and microphone -  after all, he already has a Bravo TV show under his belt. He relays to me some pretty big truths about how to make fashion more sustainable (wear the same pieces over and over again!) as well as how he is the United Nations of fashion before sharing, with a lot of honesty, the very dark moments he went through over the pandemic, culminating with the death of his father, Jack B. Silver.

A wonderful, touching and very funny interview (I did try to cut down on the laughs, but he had me in stitches). Enjoy!

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