Anton Fedulov
  • @antonfedulov
I believe that to move ahead in today’s world, one must be as fluent in code as they are in business and management. I have been fortunate enough to build a career that leverages both my skills as a programmer as well as my passion for helping clients and customers succeed.

I’m passionate about new techniques and technologies. Whether C and C++, which I began studying at age 12 and used for developing ArchiCAD plugins or Python, which I used in a couple of my last bot projects or Dart, which I have just started learning, or JavaScript, React, and Node.js - my current passion - I see code as a tool to solve business problems.

As a software engineer, I am interested in developing scalable, loosely coupled, and maintainable application architectures and infrastructures by applying industry best practices, design patterns, and techniques.

But I absolutely don’t like working alone in front of a keyboard and screen. I thrive in a collaborative, team-oriented environment. In particular, I take great pleasure in helping customers and clients make use of our tools to succeed. I care about both the integrity and efficiency of my code, as well as its real-world use by real-world users.
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Apr 2020 - Present

Head of Product Development, Zgraya Digital