Jan 2018 - Present
Jan 2015 - Present
Private Tutor, Arganoid Tuition
Nov 1999 - Jun 2013
Programmer, Frontier Developments
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The latest Wireframe magazine features an article by me, about how the snake AI in Partition Sector works. You can download a free PDF of the magazine here, the article is called Snakes in a Maze: ...
Wrote article "How not to code" for Wireframe magazine, which goes into a bit of the history behind Partition Sector, and how updating a 22 year old game involved fixing some very poor programming ...
Wrote an article for Wireframe magazine, on how the shields in Space Invaders worked https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/coding-space-invaders-disintegrating-shields-wireframe-9/
Had my first article published in Wireframe magazine, on how to make a text adventure game https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/making-text-adventure-wireframe-6/