Deployed a static-generated site
Learned Svelte
Decided to change strategies and deploy a static-generated site for my personal website. It's simpler, faster, and efficient for my case. I've also started fleshing out the layout, and will soon implement responsive design.

Working with a framework for over 6 years has made software development a breeze, as you know which solution to apply to a problem that resembles the hundreds you've encountered before. You also know the gotchas to avoid and the workarounds to employ when the framework hits a limitation.

But keeping up with the fast-changing Front-end landscape is a challenge on its own. This personal project of building my website has reminded me of those days as a junior developer: wading through endless documentation and StackOverflow threads, overcoming the discomfort of suddenly not knowing how to solve even the tiniest problem, and then learning to appreciate those small milestones and victories when after hours of frustration and feeling lost, everything starts to click.

Side projects can be stimulating when you can't get that outlet of creativity at work, but it is also important to know how to pace oneself in order to avoid burning out.