Feb 2022 - Present
Arijit Das
- @arijit_student
I'm open to
live streaming,
advising companies,
speaking at events,
guest lecturing,
partnering on side projects,
speaking on twitter spaces,
speaking on podcasts,
open source contributions,
beta testing new products,
joining company boards,
talking to journalists,
content creation,
freelance roles,
and speaking on clubhouse.
View allJul 2020 - Present
Founder & Lead Organizer, TinyML Aspirants
Jun 2021 - Present
Co-Organizer, tinyML Foundation
Dec 2020 - Feb 2022
Ambassador, Edge Impulse
Spoke at mobileWeek 2022!🤩 https://mobileweek.co
Spoke at DockerCon 2021!🚀 https://docker.events.cube365.net/dockercon/2021/community/95w6ecHo5KjDcGDGm
Spoke at GitHub Universe 2021!🤩 https://githubuniverse.com/content-library/real-time-pneumonia-detection-using-ml-docker-balena-and-edge-impulse/
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Jupiter is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖