Designed Product Wireframes
Designed a front-end app
Used an API
Worked with bootstrap
Created a news feed aggregator

Demo :

A News Feed website is an aggregator which aggregates news content from different websites in one place. It consists of news articles grouped under various topics such as Technology, Politics, Sports etc. In this buildout, you will be fetching news articles for selected topics from the flipboard website and presenting them to the users. Users will be able to browse through the articles and click on the article of interest to go to the URL for that particular article.

Visually, for XBoard, each topic will be represented by an accordion (which is another name for the collapse component of bootstrap) and news articles related to the topic will be represented on a carousel (this is also a bootstrap component) within this accordion. Users can expand or collapse the accordion of the topic they’re interested in and browse through the news articles using the carousel.