
Migrating a Monorepo from JavaScript to TypeScript
Joined The Decentralized Social Technology Collaboratory
Gave a talk at the Dallas React.js meetup focusing on building a strong junior developer portfolio. https://www.meetup.com/reactjsdallas/events/286566708/
Panelist at the UNCF PNW College & Career Fair
Open Source Bootcamp Hacktober Fest Event
Aug 13th-14th Mentored students on creating their first open source contribution. Gave a speech on open source licenses and how they're important for open sourced projects. https://www.meetup.com/m...
Grateful to have received the opportunity to chat with the President of my organization inside Microsoft about my passions outside of work. 🙂 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:691...
Presented at the Cybersecurity Gamchangers: Youth Cybersecurity Awareness Symposium Talk Title: "Securing the Bag"
Spoke at ETHDenver 2022 Title: 5 Lessons Learned Contributing to an Open Source Ethereum Project https://youtu.be/W2YujQmqItU
Featured in MetaMask Monthly for my contributions to the MetaMask Documentation. MetaMask Monthly: February 2020. Monthly updates from the MetaMask Team | by Jason Lee | MetaMask | Medium
Was a part of our Microsoft Org hiring video. Join the Commerce Platform and Experiences (CPX) Microsoft Team - YouTube
Hosted a panel focusing on "Transitioning into your first developer role". Transitioning into your first developer role! | Meetup
Featured on Meta's Open Source Community Spotlight Wrap-Up https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2021/02/18/facebook-open-source-community-spotlight-wrap-up/
Gave an introduction to CSS animations https://www.meetup.com/Dallas-FreeCodeCamp-Meetup/events/282218577/
Discussed contributing to open source, mentorship, breakdancing, and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDBX4zzceBU
Presenting on building UIs for Decentralized Apps https://www.meetup.com/KWJavaScript/events/280177721/
Live-streamed working on a couple of Github issues for the MetaMask Extension created PR's for them. https://www.twitch.tv/bboyakers https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/pull/11964 https:...
Speaker for Dallas Vuejs Meetup Group giving an introduction to Vuetify Vuetify and Beginner Tips for Vue | Meetup Presentation
Speaker at Vue.js Gobal Summit by Geekle Talk Title: What's New In Vuetify V3? https://youtu.be/SNOZNupl0GY?t=33830
Speaker at OpenJS World 2021 by OpenJS Foundation Talk Title: Upgrading to Fastify 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBRq5aak_o
Wrote an article covering what is a C.L.I. or Command Line Interface for the Vuetify Beginner's Guide Series. https://dev.to/bboyakers/what-is-a-cli-53a6
Wrote an article discussing on how to get started with the Beacon API. https://dev.to/bboyakers/getting-started-with-the-beacon-api-61
Wrote an article on What is Tree Shaking for the Vuetify Beginner's Guide Series. https://dev.to/bboyakers/what-is-tree-shaking-1ojb
Wrote an Article building out a Github Profile Search Web App using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript(no framework). https://dev.to/bboyakers/let-s-build-a-github-profile-search-web-app-5832
Panelist on Women Who Code. I was on a panel answering questions in relation to frontend development and how to build a community/network.
Volunteered as a Mentor and Judge for Code Day in Dallas provided by T-Mobile
Intro to Blockchain: Dev Day 2019 Gave a presentation covering the fundamentals of blockchain and it's applicability by providing real live use cases.
Breaking into Coding by General Assembly. On a panel discussing ways to break into coding along with tips on attaining your first job
Led a 2 hour event: Coding & Cocktails by General Assembly Giving an introduction to HTML and CSS, by building out a landing page. https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/austin-akers/23509
Speaker at BitBlockBoom Talk Title: How to Effectively Evaluate Cryptocurrencies
Co-authored my first book. The book teaches you a basic understanding about the complexities of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology while exploring how it came to be and where it will go. http...
Speaker at JSWorld Conference by Frontend Love Talk Title: The Cost of Bad Code And Pipelines