Ansh Tulsyan is available

AI Based Troubleshooting!

Working on an AI-based troubleshooting platform where

- You can easily train the GPT powered to be compatible with your software by uploading your documentation and knowledge bank!

- You can collect data on whether a particular solution works or not by collecting live feedback.

I am bad at naming things. If you want to suggest an actual good name for this website, put it down in the comments!

Looking for collaborators and companies who want to collab and make proving customer support easy!

Also looking for early investors interested in my idea :)

Check it out at

It's not allowing me to upload any images so you dont need to open the link. :(

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Posted on Mar 01, 2023

Ansh Tulsyan

Engineering, Purdue University
I am a passionate programmer, love tinkering and opening up any device I can find. I am into reading self help and science fiction books. I can binge almost any Fantasy and fictional movies and TV series. Sleeping anywhere anytime is my talent. Table Tennis is my go to for sports.
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What is Polywork?

Polywork is a social network where you share the unique intersection of what you do and who you are. Meet, discuss, and discover opportunities with your Community.
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