Dee Hoch is available

Creating psychological safety

Hi all,

I am looking for organizations that want to educate their staff regarding psychological safety. I am open to podcasts, company events, training workshops, and other opportunities.

Here are some individual habits that can help foster psychological safety:

1. Active listening: Actively listening to others without judgment or interruption can help build trust and encourage open communication. It shows others that you value their thoughts and opinions and are willing to consider their perspective.

2. Speaking with empathy: Choosing words and tones that convey empathy and understanding can help others feel heard and validated. This includes avoiding blame or criticism and instead focusing on finding solutions and common ground.

3. Honesty and transparency: Being honest and transparent about your thoughts and feelings can encourage others to do the same. It also helps build trust and credibility.

4. Respectful communication: Using respectful and appropriate language and avoiding condescension or sarcasm can help promote a safe and comfortable environment. It shows that you respect others' opinions and value their contributions.

5. Encouraging feedback: Asking for and accepting feedback from others, even if it may be critical or uncomfortable, can help improve communication and foster a growth mindset. It also shows that you are open to learning and growth.

6. Accepting mistakes: Accepting and learning from your own mistakes can help create a culture of psychological safety. It shows that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and growth and encourages others to do the same.

7. Recognizing others' contributions: Recognizing and acknowledging others' contributions and achievements can help build a sense of community and appreciation. It shows that you value and appreciate the efforts of others, which can help build motivation and morale.

Overall, creating a psychologically safe environment requires active effort and practice from individuals. By adopting these habits and promoting positive communication, individuals can help build a culture of psychological safety at home and in the workplace.



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Posted on May 02, 2023

Dee Hoch

Have you found your purpose? Ready to inspire others?

Fire Within Coaching, LLC is a personal development and empowerment company. We partner with clients to help them evaluate where they are, identify where they want to be, and develop an action plan to get there. We have a new podcast called "What lights you fire?". Through this podcast, we hope to introduce people around the world to each other that normally would never meet. It's the heart of our new community of humans that have found their passion and living it every day. We're hoping this podcast will spark some internal flames around the world.

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What is Polywork?

Polywork is a social network where you share the unique intersection of what you do and who you are. Meet, discuss, and discover opportunities with your Community.
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