
Recorded a video of me completing the Pulumi Challenge https://youtu.be/U7po4upKHKo
I wrote a blog on Instrumenting Azure Container Instances with Datadog https://hashnode.com/post/instrumenting-azure-container-instances-with-datadog-apm-cl56a8mdu0b8pownv31hshsu1
I hosted the first ever in-person Kong meetup in Bengaluru. We had around 35 attendees and 2 talks on Kong, one of which was delivered by me. We concluded with a giveaway of Kong swag and lunch. Th...
Got my first code contributions to Robusta.dev with https://github.com/robusta-dev/robusta/pull/250. The PR fixes a python error exception that occurs during push of a custom playbook when robusta ...
Got verified on Polywork!
Got my first contribution to Parca, an open source continous profiling tool, merged yesterday. I love how the core team was excited about the feature added even though it was a very small one. Hope...
Onboarded as an AngelHack ambassador and looking forward to growing as a community leader through AngelHack!
Got my first contribution merged to ArgoCD. The PR adds an address flag to the admin dashboard command. https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/pull/8095
I organised DefHacks Worldwide 3.0 over the weekend from June 25-27, virtually. We had over 600 hackers from around 43 countries who submitted over 100 projects to the hackathon. We received a lot ...
I participated in the quartely GitLab hackathon by contributing to the GitLab code base. I got 4 Merge Requests merged during the hackathon. The MRs contributed to the documentation of GitLab and I...