Apr 2022 - Present
Aydar Musin
- @aydar_musin
I'm open to
advising companies,
beta testing new products,
freelance roles,
joining company boards,
just chatting,
partnering on side projects,
speaking on podcasts,
developing apps,
developing a web application,
developing games,
participating in hackathons,
running statistical analyses,
youtube collaborations,
co-founding a company,
advising early stage companies,
advising late stage companies,
nft projects,
giving travel advice,
joining discords,
going running,
and going hiking.
Apr 2015 - Aug 2022
CoFounder(CTO), Reputation
Things I’ve built
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Cofounded Lounar https://lounar.com/ Started a new startup with my partner. We are building a unified messaging platform with AI features.
Bankruptcy prediction model Research and development of AI model for company bankruptcy prediction. Model was integrated into Reputation.ru product as a cool feature. And I wrote an article: https:...
Recommendation system for travelers We have built a recommendation system based on a machine learning algorithm for tui.ru. It took 30 hours to build it in a hackathon 😜
Court decision prediction model I researched the topic and trained the machine learning model for predictions in arbitration cases.