Hackathon Attendee
Learned Figma
This is my first Hackathon ever at Elle Hacks, hosted at York University!  Special shoutout to my friends Mia, Alexis and Kat! It wouldn't be possible without them. Our group's project is called GreenGrocery. We used Figma as our tech stack to design eco-friendly app that allows user to manage their food items, alert the user when the food is near the expiration dates, and get the recipes of their chosen food. Although we did not win anything but this is the first time I learn about Figma and gain hackathon experience. In addition, this is also the first time I heard about Major League Hacking (MLH), an official student hackathon league. My most memorable moment with them is the cup stacking challenge! Love it! Here is the link to our project on Figma