
New blog post: Codementor Presentation - Tech Interviews Here it is, the link to the recording of my presentation. https://barretblake.dev/blog/2022/02/codementor-event-tech-interviews/
New blog post: Auto-Delete Gmail Promotion Emails. https://barretblake.dev/blog/2022/02/auto-delete-gmail-promotions/
I presented a mentoring session on best practices for preparing and carrying out an interview in the tech industry. I had a great time and I'm grateful to Codementor.IO for having me present. https...
Hey all, I'm speaking at CodeMash next week. If you're gonna be there, be sure to check out my session on ETLs Friday afternoon!
New blog post for the C# Advent 2021. Using C# Code in Power Automate
New blog post: From the Archives - Re-Posting Old Blog Posts in Power Automate https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/from-the-archives/
New blog post: Creating a Custom Connector in Power Automate - Part II https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/custom-connector-part-ii/
New blog post: Creating a Custom Connector in Power Automate: Part I https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/custom-connector-part-i/
New blog post: AI Builder: Training an Object Recognition Model https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/ai-builder-object-identification/
New blog post: AI Builder: Training an Invoice Processing Model https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/ai-builder-invoice-processing/
New blog post: Demo files from my sessions at Community Summit NA 2021 https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/11/demo-flows-community-summit/
I presented two sessions on Power Automate at Community Summit NA 2021. Right now, these are only available to those who attended, but at some point they're supposed to be released for anyone to se...
New blog post: An Overview of Power Automate Desktop https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/05/power-automate-desktop/
New blog post: Using Power Automate to Start, Stop and Restart Azure App Service https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/05/start-stop-restart-azure-app-service/
New blog post: More Securely Access an HTTP Request Trigger from Power Automate https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/05/more-securely-access-an-http-request-trigger/
New blog post: Using an HTTP Request Trigger in Power Automate https://barretblake.dev/blog/2021/04/using-an-http-request-trigger/
New blog post: C# Advent 2020 - ASP.NET Core API Endpoints https://barretblake.dev/blog/2020/12/-advent-core-api-endpoints/
I was a guest on the podcast Adventures in .NET. Check it out. https://adventuresindotnet.com/89
Hey all, I was on a live show Guidance 2.0 with Taylor talking hiring, management, interviewing and all kinds of things. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWU1mOF5W30
I will be speaking at Community Summit North America next month in Houston. Be sure to say hi.
New blog post. My podcasts list for 2021 https://barretblake.dev/2021-06-podcasts-for-2021
Hey! It's a new blog post. Calling a Power Automate flow from another flow #PowerAutomate #Flow #FlowFam
Giving this a try. We'll see what happens.