Beccs Runge
  • @beccsrunge
  • Germany
  • they/them
I advise and accompany companies and associations in the development of individual diversity concepts. 

Since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the analysis of existing structures from an inclusive perspective is a natrual aspect my work. 

By means of a well thought-out awareness strategy and workshops for the recognition of Unconcious Biases, a corporate culture is created that takes into account various forms of neurdiverse, queer and ableist discriminatory pitfalls. Such a culture provides a foundation of trust and enables the inclusion of everyone's abilities in achieving common goals. 

Specialized training enables management to make fair and transparent decisions as well as communicate clearly with stakeholders while handeling complex situations with ease.
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Oct 2020 - Present

Diversity and Inclusion Consulting, Freelancing