Apr 2021 - Present
Ben Caulfield
- @benfromxonos
- Director @ Xonos.Host
- South West London
- He/Him
Jan 2021 - Present
Managing Director, Xonos Host
Feb 2022 - Mar 2022
Assistant Production Manager, Glenthorne High School
Currently working on Xonos. Pushing a brand new DDoS protection service with emerging web server technology. We allow a lot of granularity over controls and filters, and even provide our own custom...
Currently working on a private project for UpBeat. This project is sysadmin related and will require me to use all of my brain to ensure we remain up for the duration of this project. I’ll update t...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw Titan is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖