
Wow, what a crowd! There is so much interest nowadays in the ways OpenTelemetry can reduce your tooling tax and consolidate your dependencies in your apps. Had so much fun presenting on OTel at WeA...
I had a lot of fun building a public GraphQL API workspace on Postman for New Relic. You can read all about how to use the workspace to supercharge your productivity on New Relic in this blog post....
How do you build effective open source communities? I'll be speaking at Open Source 101, a free online event, where I'll break down some concrete tips with examples on how to creative more resilien...
Join me this Wednesday (23/3) for a free virtual workshop for CityJS Conference. We're going to dive into synthetics monitoring, and you'll get hands-on experience building your own monitoring suit...
Launched over the holiday break a new reverse jobs board for second career developers. Second career devs can highlight their pivot skills, get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters, and get th...
After more than a year and a half of completely remote online experiences, it's hard to put into words the joy of bringing together people again! Last night I hosted Orbit's first get-together in T...
Hosting the first in-person Orbit get-together in Tel Aviv on Wednesday (30/6)! Come join other community builders, techies, and all-around cool humans for food and drinks at the Beer Garden in Sar...
What can open source software communities learn from one of the world's most humble animals? Quite a lot! In this blog post, I share some practical insights gleaned from the humble starfish. https:...
My talk from RailsConf is now publicly available. In it, I talk about parenting during the pandemic, and how some things I built with Rails made it a bit more manageable.
Created an integration that connects LinkedIn data to Orbit workspaces