
I designed, coded, and animated for Coinstar, building their creative spots to display on kiosks across North America. Check out a reel of some of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sWd...
I built the UI and product logic for a list segmentation and report building tool used by Advancement departments. This was a fun tool to build, as it was aimed at delivering a more visual querying...
I scoped, architected, and lead engineering efforts on year-long project building a user-facing payment application for healthcare patients to pre-pay for scheduled, upcoming services. Patients rec...
Launched a data analytics web application for reporting on automated processing of Prior Authorizations for Healthcare. I custom-built this application in React. Other development highlights I arch...
I built the front-end of the Allen Institute website, and collaborated with another developer on the backend. It is a mobile-first, responsive Django based CMS. The front-end includes the public fa...
I tried out something new and participated in my first game jam with js13k games. The challenge of the jam is to build a browser-based game in under 13k! "Offline O.E.C.T" is a Lode Runner style 2D...
1st Place in the 2021 js13k "Decentralized" category! Need Find Tribbles, a decentralized web3 dapp based around free discovery of unique NFTs, won 1st place in the "Decentralized" category of the ...
Need to Find the Tribbles is a tiny HTML5 dapp & game for finding NFT tribbles & creating your own tribbles, built for the 2021 js13k games competition and deployed on the NEAR Protocol testnet. Th...
FRONTIERS is a tiny HTML5 Canvas game of resource management and "progress," built for the 2021 js13k games competition. The final code bundle was 13,134 bytes, coming in 178 bytes under the 13k li...
"Row" - An infinite scroller in under 13k. Built for the js13k 2019 gamejam. https://js13kgames.com/entries/row
I wrote this post on how to think in Next.js, geared towards developers coming to the framework from a Single Page Application background. It's based on my own experiences working with Next.js over...
"Beats Not Found" - A percussive rhythm game in under 13kb. Built for the js13k 2020 gamejam. https://js13kgames.com/entries/beats-not-found
Launched Jewel Tones Twist, a Match-3 game built in Unity. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jewel-tones-twist/id1542473233 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SleepyFoxStudios.JewelTones...
Launched Jewel Tones Blast, a Match-3 game built with React Native. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jewel-tones-blast/id1500832585 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sleepyfox.jewelton...