Jul 2018 - Present
Bennett Elder
- @bennettelder
May 2016 - Jul 2018
Developer Team Lead, Greenshades
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I renewed my Security+ and that renewed my perishable CompTIA certs for a further 3 years. https://www.credly.com/badges/db0665e6-5842-4ce5-b1c0-af7c36f118c3
Live streamed an update to upvoteremote.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFKNUTHVxBs
I wrote a blog post to help Windows-based developers bring open source tools into their organization. https://mybrainattic.com/2021/10/25/chocolatey-honeycomb-build-events-how-to-internally-publish...
Created a website to make it easier to search for remote jobs. #remotework https://upvoteremote.com/